Parent Spotlight: Adam Cohn

Adam is a local dad and graphic designer. He is incredibly talented and kind and we knew he just HAD to be in our Parent Spotlight. 

You can find Adam's work right in our shop, and in the windows and shelves of our neighbors in Marblehead, MacRae's Goods, Hunt + Gather and more!

Your name:  Adam Cohn

Tell us a little bit about your business or career:

I've been a creative director, brand creative, and graphic designer for over 30 years, starting with my own company but mainly working with Nike in Oregon and Amsterdam, and Converse in Boston. I also have a small Brand Creative consultancy, working with new and up-and-coming brands who need leadership and direction in that space. Additionally, I love to make original colored-pencil illustrations inspired by water and currents, and fun designs celebrating the unique culture and architecture of Marblehead.

What inspired you to start your business? (or work in the field /career)

I had always been illustrating and designing as a kid, but didn't really understand the types of design and communication problems I could help solve until a friend turned me onto Graphic Design at Penn State University. For me, helping to level playing fields of access to things like sport, creativity, self-expression, and self-improvement . . . through Brands that make products for those activities, gives me a lot of purpose and fulfillment.

How old are your kids?  

7, 20, and 23

Best tips for juggling a parenthood + a business:

For me, it's setting boundaries from the start regarding the amount of time I want to be dedicated to my kids' lives. Stay strong on the schedules you block out and don't make exceptions. If you do, it's like water trying to break through a dam, every moment you compromise makes the crack a little larger until your personal time is overwhelmed.

What is something that people would be surprised to learn about you?

I was once a contestant on Who Wants to be a Millionaire!

Favorite weeknight family meal to make/ order out? Bonus points to share a recipe!

Ramen with veggies and hard-boiled eggs, along with dumpling daughter dumplings is easy and everyone loves it. With slightly more time, this Ottolenghi fried chicken recipe, alongside roasted broccoli and potato latkes is a real gem. Recipe Here

What are you currently watching or reading?

I'm currently reading Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. It's a "brief history of humankind" that explores the worlds of our ancestors from around 50,000 years ago as a way to understand many of our behaviors today. I usually spend most evenings drawing or designing, so not watching too much right now.

What is your favorite spot to visit in your town with your kids or place to vacation and why?

I love kayaking around Salem harbor and over to Grace Oliver or Gashouse beach on calm days, and then
exploring Crowninshield Island. It provides a lot of exercise and exposure to the ocean, and pays it off with some solid beach time or a treat in Old Town Marblehead

What was or is your favorite baby product?

Well, my son is no longer a baby, but I really appreciated our UppaBaby Vista and was proud that it is a Massachusetts company. Very clean lines, super functional, and adaptable.

If you had to choose one parenting mantra for yourself, what would it be?

Patience first, always.

What would you tell a parent navigating the newborn days? Or the toddler days?

I'll stick with my parenting mantra . . . patience. Sure, there are schedules and deadlines and things that YOU think need to happen immediately, but in reality they don't. Give yourself time to make mistakes, don't be hard on yourself. Lean into and enjoy the messy and chaotic moments and find solace for the hard days with your family and community. Many of our parenting experiences are shared, be vulnerable with your fears and mistakes and celebrate the wins!

Do you have any hobbies ?

Running, SUP, tennis, NYT crossword, hockey parent

Early bird or night owl?


Coffee or Tea?

Matcha Tea

Favorite season?


What song(s) do you know every word to?

You've Got a Friend_Carole King
Wichita Lineman_Glen Campbell
She's Got A Way_Billy Joel
Landslide_Fleetwood Mac
Both Sides Now_Joni Mitchell
Fast Car_Tracy Chapman
Out Here On My Own_Irene Cara

What’s one activity or hobby that makes you lose all track of time?

My seascape illustrations

What person has made a big impact on your life? How?

Well, my mom gave me my love of visual and verbal storytelling. From the earliest ages she drew with me, but also crafted cool experiences like birthdays, halloween costumes and decorating. She also knew how to support and mentor a young creative kid who didn't always fit in. Her constant reading and talking about books and stories provided the foundation for the creative person I am today.

What is one thing you wish you had more time to do?

Designing stories that motivate others to fight for justice, peace, and inclusion.

Favorite accounts you follow on social

Anything else you'd like to share?

Many thanks for this opportunity, fun!




Sarah L
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