Keeping Kids Occupied in the Pediatrician's Waiting Room

While sickness can strike at any time, winter and back to school time seem to be peak! Every parent cringes when that tell tale cough, unexpected nap, or fever pop up out of no where. If you have more than one child, the whole house may be taken down and that can feel overwhelming. For me, the act of taking my kids to the doctor - especially for a sick visit- is a challenge. They don't feel well, they don't want to be there,(and lets face it, you don't really want to be either). And we cant forget about that dreaded time in the waiting room. 

But fear not! Lucky for all of us, we have Lizzie Assa, founder of The Workspace for Children, a parenting strategist, play expert and mother of three, here to help! "With a little preparation and creativity, parents can make the wait more enjoyable and less stressful."

Find all her tips here: Keeping Kids Occupied in the Pediatrician's Waiting Room by Lizzie Assa


Sarah L
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