Bokee Robin's Egg

5 In stock
Article code 210000009930
Now you can prepare bottles with just one hand! The bökee is the first and only hand free bottle prep accessory!
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One-piece, dishwasher-safe, 100% food-grade silicone bökee in robin's egg mint.

The bökee is compatible with all standard and widemouth bottles, no matter the material (plastic, glass or silicone).

Now you can prepare bottles with just one hand! The bökee is the first and only hand free bottle prep accessory! 

The bökee was created by parents to simplify bottle prep for all parents and caregivers. Bottles and sippy cups can be opened, filled, and closed with just one hand, leaving the other for baby, toddler, or multitasking. bökee is also perfect for transferring breast milk safely from bag to bottle, removing pump parts or keeping silicone pumps upright. It keeps the bottle upright to reduce the accidental knock over, and since it's made from 100% silicone, if any milk is over poured into the bökee it can be poured back into the bottle with confidence and no waste of that hard earned milk!

Pro tip/other use cases: open jars and medicine bottles with one hand, store small pump parts or pacifiers, suction to highchair for purees and solids.

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